Why knitting you ask? Isn't knitting for grandmother that can't do anything? Those are the same questions I asked my friend La Vinna and Rebecca who introduced to me to the "funky" and "fun" side of knitting. They showed me, unlike grandmothers in northern Europe and America who knit out of necessity....because of the harshness of the weather...but for us in this tropical Indonesia, knitting is for fun, art, style, accessories, business, patience training and occasionally....for the weather....
Thus began my journey into this world of young, fun, funky and creative knitting. When I first learn to knit, the year was 2010...I bought my needles and my yarns....after two years, broken yarns and many mistakes later...I finally finish my first....two shawls....from two different types of yarns. I tell you, I am very proud and satisfy that I finish what I need to accomplish. Although knitting is not the easiest activity you can find and do, but I learned that I can handle waiting much better if I have my needle and yarn with me. So, it is safe to say that knitting did something good to me...that is....teaching me to be more patience in waiting, whether waiting for my son to come out from school, waiting for my husband or waiting in the doctor's waiting room.
Therefore, when you are looking to improve your ability to be patience, applying what God has commanded in Galatians 5 and at the same time increase your Emotional Intelligence try knitting....you will be challenged and by the Grace of God....you will conquer!!
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