Thursday, December 26, 2019

The End of the Year

The year 2019 is coming to an end. I noticed that I have not been writing for two and half years. So, I cannot help but feeling a bit ....hmmm....unknown. This is my 45th year....and next year, I will add another year to my age. I cannot say that I am successful, but I know I did not fail either. I don't know if I am ready to face 2020, but I am sure that I cannot stay in 2019.

This year has been busy, happy, annoying, sad, difficult.  However, for what it's worth...this year thought me so many lessons, opening so many doors, and giving me so many opportunities and second chances. If I look back at this year, I can see how much God had blessed me and hold my hands through my difficult times. I've been shown what I think I should do....and now, it's only a matter of me, my self, and I that need to have courage to actually do it.

I am just hoping that next year...the year 2020...God will hold my hands, again, as I decides to bravely go through those doors and experiencing those opportunities. God bless us all!

The End of the Year

The year 2019 is coming to an end. I noticed that I have not been writing for two and half years. So, I cannot help but feeling a bit